Replica Watches protection tips

In addition to the water, the replica watches is used in daily use. When the water in the case is inadvertently placed, a granular substance called silica gel can be put into a closed container together with the replica watches that has accumulated water. After a few hours, the replica watches is taken out. The water is completely gone. This method is simple and economical, and has no damage to the accuracy and longevity of the watch. The silica gel which has been absorbed many times can be dried at 120℃ for several hours, the water absorption capacity can be regenerated, and it can be used repeatedly.

After the fake watches has been marked with a lot of lines, you can drop one or two drops of water on the surface of the watch, then squeeze a little bit of toothpaste to remove the scratches and make the fake watches look like new. When wearing a watch, the sweat on the hand is corrosive to the case. The all-steel case is made of nickel-chromium alloy, which has better corrosion resistance. The semi-steel case is copper. It is in contact with sweat for a long time and is easy to corrode. It should be used frequently. Wipe off the sweat or put on a plastic fake watches to prevent it from being eroded by sweat.

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